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What does Biorism mean?
Bio: The study of human beings and living organisms, their interactions with the environment and the defining factors that could impact them positively or negatively
-ism: The study and mastery of a cause for a specific subject
On their own, they represent very specific definitions.
Together, they represent the ongoing innovations in medical and bioengineering with the aim of redefining how humans approach well-being and healthcare management.
Basics of Biorism
Everyday use of health supplements, skincare, and well-being support have grown into must-do activities over the last decade. The pursuit of better health and a higher quality of life began as a luxury in selected regions around the world and has now become a worldwide phenomenon.
Biorism, in its bid to make well-being and health management accessible to all and elevate the understanding of wellness management, carried out extensive lab research to create and pioneer a new innovation that delivers nutrients, vitamins, restorative, and healing compounds in a new yet fundamental manner – through the human skin. In essence, this delivery method utilizes the intimate relationship between the human skin and the clothes we wear, the surfaces we touch, and the things we come into contact with in our daily lives.
The Science
Using nano-scale tech and molecular manipulation to bind the nutrients to fabrics; various surfaces that are used and interacted with; and in new and unexplored ways that boost healthcare and wellness management, Biorism is poised to redefine not just the textile industry, but in how nutrients and supplements will be delivered in a more effective manner.
Why Biorism?
Biorism believes there is an existing gap for general healthcare and well-being management – the method of delivery for better wellness and overall health. Today, there are a few modes of delivery for medicine and supplements – topical; respiratory and digestive; and contact of the skin.
Biorism, with its patented technology and extensive research work that it developed closely with the University of Minho in Portugal, introduces a new delivery concept via: 
  • Fabrics that humans interact with and use daily
  • Surfaces that act as dining locations and furniture for work and play
  • Spots where most work and/or lounge in or act as specific locations to rest and dine
With Biorism, these ordinary interactions are functionalised to become wellness tools that have been imbued with the power to protect, enhance, and rehabilitate.
Vision & Mission
Vision: Lower the entry barrier and innovate the delivery of well-being and healthcare
  1. Reduce entry barrier that diminishes the understanding/acceptance of wellbeing management
  2. Introduce new sustainable processes that establish, expand, and enable wellbeing
  3. Supplement established, new, and growth sectors that support wellbeing and wellness
  4. Manage and expand sustainable processes and best practices for wellbeing management
Research and Lab Work
The pioneering technology that Biorism uses in all its development is known as SiL2U, a silica particle that binds important active ingredients to the molecules of textiles and surfaces and keeping them is a stable state to deliver long term benefits .
Conceptualised and created at the University of Minho, Portugal, this method enables Biorism to capitalize on the best biotechnology innovations and incorporate these supplements into fabrics and surfaces at the atomic level.
In essence, it takes hygienics, healthcare, and holistic wellness into new areas of delivery that interact with users in a widespread yet organic way – via the human skin.
Conceptualised and created at the University of Minho, Portugal, this method enables Biorism to capitalize on the best biotechnology innovations and
Products and Services
To-date, there are a variety of consumer level and business-focused products that Biorism had developed with SIL2U. These include:
  • An expansive range of nano-solutions that protect, revive, repair, heal, enhance, and uplift the body and mind.
  • A complete range of nano-solutions that can be applied at all stages of textile production – from the yarn being harvested, to manufacturing the finished product.
The benefits are endless – nano-solutions that strengthen or soften; protects from a complete range of viruses (including SARS and COVID-19), bacteria, spores, fungi, and mildew; heals and repairs body functions; serve as and compliments healing compounds; and aid in enhancing appearance and beauty, from anti-wrinkle to anti-cellulite.
If it is not listed as per above, Biorism and its laboratories can customise accordingly to specific operational needs.
Conceptualised and created at the University of Minho, Portugal, this method enables Biorism to capitalize on the best biotechnology innovations and incorporate these supplements into fabrics and surfaces at the atomic level.
In essence, it takes hygienics, healthcare, and holistic wellness into new areas of delivery that interact with users in a widespread yet organic way – via the human skin.
Join the Biorism Revolution
Discover why transforming well-being and wellness is meant for all with Biorism and how its innovations will change everything at the atomic level